So the idea behind setting a VISION, is that you create a snapshot of the pinnacle of success you want to have in your life, 7-10 years in the future with one small toe in reality.

This isn’t dependent on The Secret or any similar thing. Or even totally on visualization, just a way for you to focus your subconscious mind on what you want to achieve.

And you’re very SPECIFIC.

Tom Nunan, who gave the lecture shared portions of his story, his Vision, and how it came to pass.

His 10 Year Vision:

He wrote down that he wanted to be the President of a TV Network.

In his mind, what he really wanted was to be the President of NBC, ABC or CBS. He became the President of UPN (which became the CW).

He wrote down that he wanted to Run a Production Studio.

What he really wanted was to Run one of the Big Six Production Studios – Paramount, Sony, Universal Studios, MGM, 20th Century Fox, Disney.
He ended up running NBC Studios (a small in-house TV production studio).

When he started his own company, Bullseye Productions, he wrote down that he wanted to produce an Award-winning Movie.

In his own words, “We never wrote down that we wanted to make loads of money doing it.”

He produced Crash. It won an Oscar. They still haven’t made their money back on it.

So specificity is important. It allows your subconscious to recognize the opportunities you truly want.

Once you have your VISION, which should be so out there, people would make fun of you for dreaming that big (with one small toe in reality), you only show it to a couple of people you trust for feedback. Again, this is to focus YOUR subconscious, not share with the world.

What you share with the world is your MISSION.

Your MISSION is the 3 specific, actionable Steps you are currently taking towards your VISION. That people can hold you accountable to.