Rewrite 4:      The Dialogue Pass

In this class we apply character agenda and strategy to our dialogue-driven scenes, enlivening  them in the process. Editing tools and techniques help you find clever lines and memorable moments of on-screen patter.

Rewrite 5:      The Tone / Format Pass

And now we dig into the words. Word choice, line spacing, powerful scene direction and well-crafted pages create the desired tone and mood for your script. Set the right mood and you’ll get the reader response you’ve hoped for.

Rewrite 6:      The Cleanup

Ready to submit your script? Not so fast!  From the biggest idea to the smallest scene, your script needs to be airtight and entertaining. We take the script through its final paces, focusing on the details that can make or break a read!

“Rewrite Techniques” is open to feature film and TV writers.

A completed first draft is not required to take this class. This is an advanced screenwriting class that will help you at any stage in your process.